
2024-03-28 11:07:00
4月の出店スケジュール更新しました。The schedule of our stalls in April has been updated.

いよいよ4月ですね♫ 大学ランチ出店がメインのMOTO-3にとっては、やっと春の到来を感じれそうです。

今年の春から、BKCの出店管理方法が変わったり、新たにOIC(立命館大学 茨木キャンパス)に定期出店したり、単発で新しい大学ランチ出店をしたりと、






It's finally April ♫ For MOTO-3, which is mainly a university lunch stall, we can finally feel the arrival of spring.

This spring will be a year of many changes, including a change in the way BKC manages stalls, a new regular stall at the OIC (Ritsumeikan University, Ibaraki Campus) and a new one-off university lunch stall. ....

As for Ritsumeikan University in particular, they have opened shops on three different campuses, each with a different administrator...Well, you'll get used to it in time.www


We look forward to working with you in April.